Monday, March 27, 2006

More of : The Daily Buzz

Here we go people, more in the world of Technology

Bad Bad Stick People - Third in the Hapland series... need I say more?

Sandisk and U3 - The newest Cruzer's in Sandisk's line are shipping without U3 support, something previously promised by Sandisk.

The Palm, Ten Years Later - A retro/tech flashback... when Palm suddenly jumped into existence.

LucasArts + ILM - Every nerd's dream... oh yeah... better graphics, better CGI for all!

Technology Imitates Life - Scientists have achieved a Simulation of a Life Form.

That's everything of interest so far today... another quiet monday.
Who needs an ipod... buy an Nano knockoff!

Have a good one people,

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Site Changes

You might notice that my contact phone number has been removed from the site... I will post the proper one when I have a chance.

Skimmed through the news for today, nothing of any real interest as far as I can see... most of my news sources don't post on the weekend... check back late in the day Monday for some more of The Daily Buzz.

Keeping you posted,

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Once More : The Daily Buzz

So, what's happening today in the world of Technology... Let's check it out

France VS Apple The French are on the offensive against Apple, and it's iPod media player. Might actually cause the close of the iTunes Music Store in France.

Windows Vista Delayed Windows Vista's new release date is set for January '07, right after the holiday sales season... not good for any of the computer manufacturers.

Nintendo's Comeback?
With the pending release of the Playstation 3, and the already released Xbox 360, can Nintendo compete?

The Fastest Windows XP Laptop
Benchmarks have revealed that the MacBook Pro is currently performing better than any Dual Core Laptop on the Market.

Samba Updated It's taken long enough, but now there is finally an update to Samba. Not quite stable yet, but it's getting there.

What Manufacturers keep to themselves
There are lots of things in the businees world that manufacturers want to keep secret. Here are the top 20, including some good information on extended warranties.

Red Green was right
Most people thought he was crazy, but Duct Tape has been one of the most widely used "tools" of just about anyone, from Handyman to Model.

That's it for today,

Saturday, March 18, 2006

More of : The Daily Buzz

Some more news items of interest in the world of technology

Newest Intel Chips
- Intel now seems to be increasing processor performance by leaps and bounds... can't wait to see the benchmarks on this new set... but if I do, then I might want one.

Sony DRM - Digital Holes - Sony is now having even more issues in the wake of the rootkit scandal. This time, is seems it will cause a delay in the shipping of the PS3. Not good for gamers anywhere.

More ATI Advancements - My most beloved of video card companies has released yet another innovation. A brand new water cooled video card... now that's ingenious.

Video Game Therapy
- One of the mainstream uses of neurofeedback that I have been keeping track of as of late... maybe something else to help push the video game market over the top.

Crazy Apple Rumors - Not really something new, or in the news, but I ran across this at work, and it is honestly a riot. Great Apple Humor at it's best.

That's everything for today folks, have a good one.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Daily Buzz

When you're daily intake of caffeine is roughly the same as a small army worth of office workers, you need a buzz like this.

Interesting tech news...
1) One that I find the greatest is this : iPod Nano Knockoffs . I need one desperately... if only they had a proper headphone jack, you might be able to listen to it. I mean, come on people... if you are gonna make a counterfeit product, at least put some pride into it... or skip the Apple Logo on it.

Here's another good one... no screen on this knockoff :
Great fun... all these fun little gadgets coming out of China.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hey All

I am going to see just how much I can tweak this little blogspot space... if I get creative enough with the coding, it seems like I might be able to do what I want to... anyone with any suggestions, just let me know.

Joke of the Day:

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The decision is now here!

No more web server. At least, not until I upgrade my current computer and build a dedicated server box... I cannot wait for that. I am desperately in need of some need gear to play with.
A new motherboard, some memory, a video card... that would be pretty nice... all in time, all in time.

Have a good one,

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Back again

So, once again I am re-connected to the outside world... it's nice, but I don't feel like putting my server back online for the next little while, I am far too lazy, and I like supporting Google in all of it's forms.
Adsense for me, I've made $1.15... yay!

Will fix computers for food!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hello People!

So yeah,
Spending another dreary day here at work, watching time creep by ever so slowly... the walk in was great fun today.... :D... only an hour and fifteen minutes to get here from Cornwall, how's that sound for fun.
My pockets hurt.... lol
With any luck, I will soon be re-connected to the outside world... phone, internet, cable... ... ... it's been a pretty depressing week since my run-in with the government last week... been living without anything really... no phone, internet, food, smokes... etc. etc. How's that sound? You never realize how addicted you are to certain things until you have them all taken away.

Have a good one, I know I will.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

One bad day

Hey people,

Getting screwed over by the government is great fun... I now have no money... no phone, no food, and little or nothing else. If you would like to donate money to me, just let me know... only you can't call me... lol.

Too depressed to talk today,