Sunday, March 12, 2006

The decision is now here!

No more web server. At least, not until I upgrade my current computer and build a dedicated server box... I cannot wait for that. I am desperately in need of some need gear to play with.
A new motherboard, some memory, a video card... that would be pretty nice... all in time, all in time.

Have a good one,


Fiend said...

I like saying ubuntu...

I like calling people at random and saying it.....

I seriously need a better hobby.....

Unknown said...

Call it out at random... people will think you have some weird form of tourettes.

But now I broke openoffice... that makes me sad... have to wait for the newest CVS updates to fix it by the look of things.

Fiend said...

When Nortons says "Backdoor Beastie has infected your notebook.exe", does that mean my windows notepad is getting raped?

Unknown said...

It is getting anal pleasure from your virus...
But it might like it, so it isn't necessarily rape... rape involves being forced...

Fiend said...

So, there's a possibility I have a GAY HOMOSEXUAL notepad??!!??!?!

Unknown said...

Darn straight... or it might be unwilling, then it would be straight!

Fiend said...


*puts on his Nortons gloves and wades into the gang-rape*

Anonymous said...


Of COURSE your NotePad is Gay... It takes after YOU.

FFS, Comuters PROVE Animisim in inanimate objects. They take on the personality their users demand, just ask any Tech Support person.

Hey Tech Support People!!! How many times have you been called over to fix a problem that "wasn't there" while you were present? I've heard "Really, it wouldn't do that before, honestly" so many times... The computer takes it cues from the User. When WE sit down, it smartens up. So I guess when YOU sit down, it feels your queerness and becomes gay.

Just wait until it starts changing your fonts to some fruity colour.

Oh, wait...

Never mind.

Back to Matt now: Yes Matt i like Ubunto as well, but am still in favour of the full hard drive install of Knoppix. Never have to fight to add a program, 'cause just about everything is already installed, AND it supports most major printers from the last 10 years! :)

Unknown said...

I just can't wait until Linux is ready for mainstream desktop use ( It's almost there, but most typical users are not used to larning anything, which I just can't comprehend. Just google it, is my answer to most questions, and some people just don't understand the power of the best search engine in the world )

Guru, once I have a new machine kicking around, I promise to play with Knoppix... I've already gone through most major flavors, and love them all. ( started with Red Hat 6.2 and went from there... truly learnt the command line using an HP-AIX server that was my best friend.... lmao )

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think I have an HP-AIX server at work to "throw out"... ;)

It's been a while since I did anything with it...

I gotta admit, I like Fedora lot, but I'm so sick of seeing RedHat... It's almost as if they think they're the ONLY linux distro out there.

As for mainstream desktop use, wait 'till you try Knoppix. I think I sent Fiend a live CD of it, if you ever run into him (Or run him over, if you have a car! :P )

Anonymous said...


M-A-T-T !!!






C-A-R !!!!


Fiend said...









Anonymous said...

I'm in no rush, as long as he does the job :P