Sorry about the recent delays in posting folks... I've been a little busy myself, plus there hasn't been much that's interesting in the news lately. Here are some items of note as of late.
The MySpace Economy Myspace has created it's own economy, that's how big it is. Spin-off companies, selling for countless dollars each. What is the world coming to?
Manipulating the Media A pair of bright individuals have decided that it would be funny to start manipulating the media. I agree it is funny.
Save Upstate New York The battle over wind power in upstate New York... why bother?
Why I love IBM Integrated processor level hardware encryption... can it get any better
Music or Hell This is pretty funny... Robert Raves... lol
Wal-Mart's Influence How Walmart influences the modern gaming world.
Linux VS the DRM Movement RealNetworks has been making some threatening moves against Linux concerning the current DRM movement.
Boot Camp Misunderstanding People already misunderstanding the true reason behind the marketing of Boot Camp... Apple's latest venture into the world of the Boot Loader.
Novell still Running Windows Bad news for all my good friends at Novell... they're still running Windows? How sad is that.
That's all for today,
"It's your wind,""It should be your money."
Now I know where the comment is from!
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