The Man Behind the Monster - Going from cheap ass B movies to working for Industrial Light and Magic. How's that for a career jump. The life story of Dennis Muren.
Apple Investigates Chinese Labour Issues - As if everyone couldn't see this coming... it's well known that almost any chinese based company is little more than a slave labour camp, so why should the Foxconn plant in Taiwan be any different?
Microsoft VS Apple iPod - It just ain't gonna happen folks. As a proud ipod owner, it's the best that there is out there. Microsoft might be a marketing powerhouse, but I don't think they can beat down the iPod.
Another use for Dry Ice - Scientists have discovered that by compressing Dry Ice ( solid carbon dioxide ) they can make a Super Hard Glass coating. Who'd have thunk it?
SkyNet is coming - Police are working on unmanned flying drone testing over Los Angeles. Good idea, but does SkySeer = SkyNet?
Bill Gates is Microsoft no more? - News to me, it seems as if Bill Gates has a heart. He will be slowly transitioning out of Microsoft to continue work in the Health and Education sector by working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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